I commonly joke when someone asks about my life that I have one husband, four kids, two dogs and a partridge in a pear tree. It helps to lighten the mood and my perspective on just how busy my life is. It wasn't always this busy. In fact, it's never been this busy. I have two biological children and two step-children, at three different schools, and a minimum of three sports at any given time. The schedules are wonky to say the least. While I may complain and grumble about it from time to time and pine for the quiet and unhurried days of long ago, this is the life God has for me right now. This is my ministry. I would do well to remember that.
Here's a rundown of a typical week and a gentle reminder of how I can minister to my family each day.
Mondays - soccer practice, gymnastics practice and men's prayer night. I don't actually have to go to any of these activities, but my family does. I would be wise to keep them in mind when planning the rest of the week. *Ministry for today is laundry and something good for supper as well as some special time with my man. No kids home this night.*
Tuesdays - baseball practice, gymnastics practice, monthly booster club meeting. My goal on this day is to make sure school clothes are clean, supper is ready and my reports for booster club are in order. Two of our kids are home this day.
Wednesdays - soccer practice, baseball lesson. Today's goal is supper,clean clothes, homework, and social hour. All the kids are home this day and they haven't seen each other in at least two days, if not five. Lots of catching up to do. :)
Thursdays - gymnastics practice. Supper, homework and family time. This has become our pizza night. It's quick, easy and relatively healthy. This is the night that can be the toughest if I'm not at my best. All four kids are home.
Fridays - every other week we have two kids home. The other week, it's date night. Ministry is either family time or something special for my man. I'd like to work into inviting another couple over on the weeks we have no kids home, at least once a month.
Saturdays - for now, it's baseball and soccer games. Every other week we have the other two kids, or all four. Family night is on the agenda which usually entails a movie, a rousing game of Mexican train, or just playing outside if the weather allows. If all four kids are home, it usually ends up being girl time with my princess and the boys do "boy stuff". I'd like to start incorporating some sort of Sabbath meal.
Sundays - church. two kids home every other week. Rest, rest, rest. I've found that I NEED this. God is so wise. :) This is the day to minister to myself: a long soak in the tub, quick mani or pedi (or both!), facial, knitting, reading, napping (bliss!)
In the midst of all this, I also work part-time for a friend's construction supply business as well as handle most of the administrative work for our family's web business. Don't forget about laundry, the dogs, keeping the house relatively straight, more laundry, and a weekly Bible study. Right now, those things happen as time allows. Whew!
This has been therapeutic for me. It is so easy for me to get wrapped up in what I think I need to get done each day, instead of focusing on where my ministry is and allowing the rest to fall into place and allow God to take care of it all. My goal is to create a better framework.
How do you frame your week?
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