She Loves to Read

I love to read.  In fact, when my husband asked a mutual friend of ours about me she said, "She loves to read."  Really?  Not "she's cute and bubbly and fun and crazy".  Nope.  "She loves to read."

It's true.  From the time I was four and a half and my brother taught me this life-changing skill, I've always had a least one book by my bed, or in my bag, and now, on my Nook.  Thankfully my children have this same love of words and stories.

I'm still trying to figure out how to post a book section with reviews and possibly a book club later on, but for now I'll use this page to keep track of what I've read, what I'm reading, and what I'd love to read.  Recommendations are always welcome. other thing.  Please don't expect things like laundry, cleaning, or cooking to be accomplished while I'm in the midst of a book.  You'll only frustrate yourself.  Just sit tight and be patient.  Those things will still be there when I'm finished.  Don't worry...I'm a fast reader. ;)

On the Bookshelf (books I've already read)

(This list is looooooong.  I'll be posting as soon as I have a chance to actually sit in front of the bookcase and read the titles.)

Latest book read:  The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (review coming soon)
The Hunger Games
Pride and Prejudice
Northanger Abbey
Anne of Green Gables
Anne of Avonlea
Anne of the Island

On the Nightstand (currently reading)

The Power of a Praying Wife
The Power of a Praying Parent
The Power of Praying Woman
Foolproofing Your Life (where was this many years ago??)

On the Horizon (hoping to read soon)

How to Have a New Teenager by Friday
Do Hard Things

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know I loved to read myself until I was in the 11th grade in High School. I would just "skim" through books prior to this when having to write a book report for school. But in the 11th grade I picked up a copy of "The Legend of the Seventh Virgin" by Victoria Holt off the library shelf and read it..... cover to cover.

    I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed reading that book. Since then I've read hundreds of books. I would like to think my beautiful daughter Aimee got her love of reading from me and her 84 year old Grandmother.

    Grandmother Young reads constantly. She can read 2 to 3 novels a week. She likes suspense novels. James Patterson, Stuart Woods, Michael Connelly, Patricia Cornwell and David Baldacci are among her favorite authors.

    Aimee I'm proud of you for teaching your children the joy of reading and also teaching them that knowledge and understanding is important.
