In honor of Patriot Day, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who serves and sacrifices for our country. Portions of the proceeds of this warmer go to support Wounded Warriors.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Follow, Follow, Follow
You may have noticed the box just to the right at the top of the page; the "Follow Her" section. In case you weren't quite sure what you would be getting in return for typing in your email address and clicking "submit", here are just a few examples:
- Heads up when there is a new post (blah, blah, blah)
- Specials only offered to subscribers (you KNOW you want these!)
- Coupons and incentives for incredible Scentsy goodies (hmmm...intriguing)
- Entered into a drawing for FREE Scentsy (ooh...I've got your attention now!)
- Front row seat to all the action here (Oh, yeah!)
- Referral bonus when you refer a friend and they "Follow Her" (or me)
What you WON'T get:
- spam (enough said)
So, enter your email address already! There's a special prize to the next one to join me here!
Creepy Crawly - Warmer of the Month
Creepy Crawley - September Warmer of the Month - 10% off through the end of the month!
Get the heebie jeebies with Creepy Crawly! A giant spider ambles up a ghostly white web, reflected against a glossy midnight background.
Get the heebie jeebies with Creepy Crawly! A giant spider ambles up a ghostly white web, reflected against a glossy midnight background.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Monday, April 1, 2013
April Specials!!!
Spring is finally here in the South and we are celebrating!!
Scentsy has new scents and a new warmer, just for April. Check these out...
Scentsy has new scents and a new warmer, just for April. Check these out...
Big Apple is a three-piece warmer with amazing, hand-painted details.
Topped with a pair of glossy green leaves, it looks so good you might be
tempted to take a bite! Big Apple uses a 20-watt light bulb.
A sunny shore washed clean by a spring shower — soft sea air, golden
citrus, and dewy driftwood scattered with white beach daisies.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
March Specials - Hurry!!
Time is running out for you to take advantage of Scentsy's March Specials. Check them out:

Friday, March 8, 2013
Invisible Crowns
Some days are harder than others. That's life.
Some days what you really want is to stay in bed and have Anna bring your breakfast tray. Or perhaps your day has taken an unexpected twist. By all means, ring Carson for tea.
We have choices every day, every hour. We can choose to wallow in our hurts, nursing our pride and wounded spirits. We can choose to punish others for their sins, our unmet expectations, or just because we need to feel in control. We can choose to lash out, retreat, or even run away.
We can choose love, gratitude, mercy. We can choose to lay it all at the foot of the cross and admit our inability to carry life's burdens. We can choose to come to the only One who knows us and allow Him to heal us.
We can choose to put on our invisible crowns and greet each day, each person, each situation with the grace that comes only from the Father. We can choose to remember that we are redeemed sinners. We can choose to remember that we are the children of the Most High King and to act accordingly.
We can choose to see ourselves as God sees us, those He loves so much that He allowed His only Son to die in our place so that we could be called the sons and daughters of God.
If the Holy Spirit lives in us, we can choose His power to show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Even in the worst of times.
Some days what you really want is to stay in bed and have Anna bring your breakfast tray. Or perhaps your day has taken an unexpected twist. By all means, ring Carson for tea.
We have choices every day, every hour. We can choose to wallow in our hurts, nursing our pride and wounded spirits. We can choose to punish others for their sins, our unmet expectations, or just because we need to feel in control. We can choose to lash out, retreat, or even run away.
We can choose love, gratitude, mercy. We can choose to lay it all at the foot of the cross and admit our inability to carry life's burdens. We can choose to come to the only One who knows us and allow Him to heal us.
We can choose to put on our invisible crowns and greet each day, each person, each situation with the grace that comes only from the Father. We can choose to remember that we are redeemed sinners. We can choose to remember that we are the children of the Most High King and to act accordingly.
We can choose to see ourselves as God sees us, those He loves so much that He allowed His only Son to die in our place so that we could be called the sons and daughters of God.
If the Holy Spirit lives in us, we can choose His power to show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Even in the worst of times.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Stepping Out
Blended families are tough. There's multiple parenting styles, multiple celebrations, multiple family traditions, all melting together somehow. Multiple opportunities to have conflict. Multiple opportunities to show grace.
We've had our share of conflict; every family does. But God is showing me that conflict brings with it a gift. That gift is grace. How we handle that conflict reflects how we let God handle our hearts and how we handle our own conflicts with God.
We can lash out at the other person, with shouts and claims of how right we are. We can sulk, and close ourselves off emotionally and physically, in an attempt to make the other person prove they deserve our love. We can give the silent treatment, and in turn give pride a stronger foothold on our soul. We can hold onto unforgiveness, and allow bitterness to grow in those richly fertile fields.
Or we can choose to work together for the common good. We can choose to remember that what we fight against is not each other, but the dark forces that are very much at work in the world. We can reach out and touch and remind one another that we are still here, still supporting even if we disagree. We can forgive and set our own souls free, and those that have hurt us, to be the beautiful creation God intended full of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We can allow God to exercise whatever judgement He deems necessary for the fulfillment of His will.
I'm learning that I have a choice. Free will. I'm learning that blessings follow when I choose Jesus and His ways. I'm learning to step out of my comfort zone. I'm learning that forgiveness and grace are daily needs for all of us. I'm learning to slow down so that I can remember.
When I take the time to reflect on all of God's mercies in my own life, I can't help but want to pass those mercies on to others. But, when I allow my life to become full of activities to the point that I am passing myself on the stairs, I lose the ability to offer grace. I snap. I don't seem joyful. I trade peace for confusion and chaos. My kindness is not readily noticeable. Goodness is not my first thought. I become faithful only to myself. I have an edge I don't normally have. Self-control becomes a stranger.
Stepping out in faith is what brings the blessings. Stepping out in faith that God will provide, even when it seems impossible. Stepping out even when life screams for you to hold back. Stepping out into the beautiful life God created just for me, the life He created just for you.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
In Memory
I had a blog post typed and ready to send this morning. However, last night before going to bed I checked facebook. I learned that my great uncle, my favorite great uncle, had died suddenly from a heart attack just a couple of hours earlier. My head spun, my heart raced, the tears came. I kept seeing vivid memories of him and I needed to share them. It may not mean much to you, especially if you never knew him; but it's something I need to do for me and for my kids who will really only know him from my memories.
Tony Baker was my great uncle. His real name was Will Rogers Baker, although I don't think I've ever gotten the story as to how he became known as Tony. He was more like an uncle since he wasn't that much older than my dad. He lived fairly close by while I was growing up and we visited often, even having a family reunion at his house many years ago. He was the baby of the family and everyone loved him. Everyone. His oldest sister was my daddy's mama, MaMa. The Baker family has touched my heart in such a way that my son's middle name is Baker. The desk in my daughter's room is from Tony and Fay, a piece that was handed down to me around her age. It's a family of which I am deeply proud to be a member.
The Bakers are fun-loving people; Tony most of all. He was already ready with a smile, a hug, a handshake, a good pat on the back. Always up for a game of Rook, a game of golf, or a game of practical jokes and funny stories; Uncle Tony spread joy liberally.
He was devoted to his family. He gave more than he took. He was gracious, kind, and loving. He was an active Rotary member and an Army Ranger, a Green Beret, devoted to his country and his fellow man.
He was the kind of man that left you feeling encouraged, accepted, loved simply by being in his presence. He was full of grace, common sense, and a deep faith in God. He looked for the best, accepted the worst, and kept putting one foot in front of the other.
He was the kind of man that we need more of today if our future generation has any chance at succeeding in life and drawing people to Jesus. He was full of integrity and character, wit and intellect, humility and honor.
The last time I saw him was at our most recent family reunion last June. It was also my daughter's birthday, so the day was extra special. I can still hear his voice, his laugh, his prodding of the photographer, my nephew, to hurry to get into the family photo. He was such a joy. He will be greatly missed.
I'm betting he is sitting in Heaven giving my MaMa a hard time about something. I'm betting he's slapping his brothers on their backs as they welcome him home. I'm betting he's already hugged his mom and dad and I know they are glad to have him home.
He was a blessing, and I'm a better person for having had him in my life.
Lord Jesus, comfort us all as we mourn our loss. Be near and remind us of your grace, your love. Hold us close and wipe away our tears.
Tony Baker was my great uncle. His real name was Will Rogers Baker, although I don't think I've ever gotten the story as to how he became known as Tony. He was more like an uncle since he wasn't that much older than my dad. He lived fairly close by while I was growing up and we visited often, even having a family reunion at his house many years ago. He was the baby of the family and everyone loved him. Everyone. His oldest sister was my daddy's mama, MaMa. The Baker family has touched my heart in such a way that my son's middle name is Baker. The desk in my daughter's room is from Tony and Fay, a piece that was handed down to me around her age. It's a family of which I am deeply proud to be a member.
The Bakers are fun-loving people; Tony most of all. He was already ready with a smile, a hug, a handshake, a good pat on the back. Always up for a game of Rook, a game of golf, or a game of practical jokes and funny stories; Uncle Tony spread joy liberally.
He was devoted to his family. He gave more than he took. He was gracious, kind, and loving. He was an active Rotary member and an Army Ranger, a Green Beret, devoted to his country and his fellow man.
He was the kind of man that left you feeling encouraged, accepted, loved simply by being in his presence. He was full of grace, common sense, and a deep faith in God. He looked for the best, accepted the worst, and kept putting one foot in front of the other.
He was the kind of man that we need more of today if our future generation has any chance at succeeding in life and drawing people to Jesus. He was full of integrity and character, wit and intellect, humility and honor.
The last time I saw him was at our most recent family reunion last June. It was also my daughter's birthday, so the day was extra special. I can still hear his voice, his laugh, his prodding of the photographer, my nephew, to hurry to get into the family photo. He was such a joy. He will be greatly missed.
I'm betting he is sitting in Heaven giving my MaMa a hard time about something. I'm betting he's slapping his brothers on their backs as they welcome him home. I'm betting he's already hugged his mom and dad and I know they are glad to have him home.
He was a blessing, and I'm a better person for having had him in my life.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Rainy Days and Tuesdays
I couldn't resist. I'm a fan of Karen Carpenter. Love her voice.
There are so many things on my mind this rainy Tuesday morning. I'm guessing it will take me a few blog posts to organize the thoughts into some semblance of order. I'm hopeful at least one of them will connect with you in some way.
I've been sick now for over a week. It stinks. For most of the time, I've been in bed trying to be as still as possible, my attempt at keeping the racking cough at bay.
When I was finally better enough to sit up for a bit, the blinding migraine started. Really? From what I hear, it was a beautiful weekend. I missed it. My kids were home this past weekend. I missed most, if not all, their activities. Have I mentioned being sick stinks?
There were blessings this weekend, even in the midst of being confined to my bed. My parents live about 20 minutes away. My mama met me at the doctor's office, took me to get my prescription, took me home, made me lunch, tucked me in. My daddy picked up my kids (all four of them) from school, took them to their practices, brought them home, fed them, laughed with them, loved them. My brother lives about 25 minutes away. He got my kids to their Upward game, even though his own wife was home sick herself. My parents brought us one of their cars to use while ours is in the shop.
My husband...well, he did everything I usually do on top of all he usually does, including coach two of the boys in basketball, and went to the baseball draft for Little League. He took all four kids to a family party for my Grandmother's 85th birthday (Happy Belated Birthday!). He took the kids to church, went to baseball practice and back to church for the Upwards celebration. He took the boys shopping for new cleats, practice pants, and anything else they needed. He cooked. He cleaned. He did laundry. He took care of me. He loved me like Christ loves the Church.
Now, what did I do beside lay in the bed like a slug? I was short-tempered with my mom and my husband. The very people who were caring for me and loving me. Why? Because they weren't doing the things I usually do the way I usually do them. Ugh.
I also learned a lot. God offers us blessings every day. It's our job to look for them, seek them out. Be one of those blessings. Allow God to use us to bless someone else. Thank God for using others to bless us. Thank them for allowing God to use them (even if they don't realize it).
Look for the good. It's there. Look for God. He's there.
Even when the rains fall. Even when the car breaks down in the parking garage on a Friday afternoon. Even when you are sick. Even when the dog's muddy paw prints decorate your freshly cleaned carpet.
Even when...
There are so many things on my mind this rainy Tuesday morning. I'm guessing it will take me a few blog posts to organize the thoughts into some semblance of order. I'm hopeful at least one of them will connect with you in some way.
I've been sick now for over a week. It stinks. For most of the time, I've been in bed trying to be as still as possible, my attempt at keeping the racking cough at bay.
When I was finally better enough to sit up for a bit, the blinding migraine started. Really? From what I hear, it was a beautiful weekend. I missed it. My kids were home this past weekend. I missed most, if not all, their activities. Have I mentioned being sick stinks?
There were blessings this weekend, even in the midst of being confined to my bed. My parents live about 20 minutes away. My mama met me at the doctor's office, took me to get my prescription, took me home, made me lunch, tucked me in. My daddy picked up my kids (all four of them) from school, took them to their practices, brought them home, fed them, laughed with them, loved them. My brother lives about 25 minutes away. He got my kids to their Upward game, even though his own wife was home sick herself. My parents brought us one of their cars to use while ours is in the shop.
My husband...well, he did everything I usually do on top of all he usually does, including coach two of the boys in basketball, and went to the baseball draft for Little League. He took all four kids to a family party for my Grandmother's 85th birthday (Happy Belated Birthday!). He took the kids to church, went to baseball practice and back to church for the Upwards celebration. He took the boys shopping for new cleats, practice pants, and anything else they needed. He cooked. He cleaned. He did laundry. He took care of me. He loved me like Christ loves the Church.
Now, what did I do beside lay in the bed like a slug? I was short-tempered with my mom and my husband. The very people who were caring for me and loving me. Why? Because they weren't doing the things I usually do the way I usually do them. Ugh.
I also learned a lot. God offers us blessings every day. It's our job to look for them, seek them out. Be one of those blessings. Allow God to use us to bless someone else. Thank God for using others to bless us. Thank them for allowing God to use them (even if they don't realize it).
Look for the good. It's there. Look for God. He's there.
Even when the rains fall. Even when the car breaks down in the parking garage on a Friday afternoon. Even when you are sick. Even when the dog's muddy paw prints decorate your freshly cleaned carpet.
Even when...
Monday, January 7, 2013
Bare Minimums
It's Monday. Back to work, back to school, back to regular life.
If your house is anything like the majority of people I know, you don't have a maid or a cook or a butler or anything remotely resembling Downton Abbey.
What you most likely have is a house full of toys, clothes, pets, clutter, things, stuff...I could go on. What you want and need is to have all that under some sort of control so that you can enjoy all the people who actually live in the house with you.
Wondering where to start? Head over to Rachel Anne's blog, Home Sanctuary, and start following her Small Things. Today's is such a blessing and a needed reminder that it is doable to have a house under control. She reminds and encourages us to "Do the Minimum". I can do that! You can, too!!!
If your house is anything like the majority of people I know, you don't have a maid or a cook or a butler or anything remotely resembling Downton Abbey.
What you most likely have is a house full of toys, clothes, pets, clutter, things, stuff...I could go on. What you want and need is to have all that under some sort of control so that you can enjoy all the people who actually live in the house with you.
Wondering where to start? Head over to Rachel Anne's blog, Home Sanctuary, and start following her Small Things. Today's is such a blessing and a needed reminder that it is doable to have a house under control. She reminds and encourages us to "Do the Minimum". I can do that! You can, too!!!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
New Year, New Habit
Happy New Year!!
I love fresh starts (more on that later). A new year is a beautiful time to finally get going on this. I don't make resolutions any more. I've learned that I can easily get caught up in the emotion of all the areas of my life I'd like to improve, only to have life get in the way of my progress. I end up feeling frustrated, inadequate, and any motivation I had at the beginning has quickly dissipated.
What's a girl to do? Start with the basics, and as Lisa TerKeurst reminds us in Unglued, accept imperfect progress. (A review of that book is coming as soon as I finish it.)
One thing I have wanted to do in the past, but honestly would somehow forget about, is the Siesta Scripture Memory Team over at the Living Proof blog. I've been reading (I know, shocking.) and have been encouraged to begin scripture memorization again.
My kids go to a private school and my daughter has scripture memory each week, usually building on the previous week's scripture. When we homeschooled, we memorized scripture together. Lately though, I haven't been giving it much thought, much less actually doing it. In one of Beth's posts about the SSMT, she mentioned a spiral-bound notecard set as a way to keep track of your verses and keep your verses handy. I ended up snagging a set of 3x5 cards on a ring at Staples for a whopping $1. It's even hot pink! (I'll post a picture as soon as I figure out how to transfer it from my phone to my laptop.)
I finally chose my first verse today. Or my 11-year old son did. He asked what I was working on and when I told him I was struggling to decide which verse to be my first one, he suggested the verse he uses as his instagram profile picture. That kid is such a blessing!
So, in honor of him, my first verse is Deuteronomy 31:6 (The Message)
"Be strong. Take courage. Don't be intimidated. Don't give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He is right there with you. He won't let you down; He won't leave you."
What's one habit you can start today that will deepen your relationship with Christ? Scripture memory? Quiet time? Bible study? I'd love to hear what it is so we can encourage one another. If you choose scripture memory, don't forget to post a comment over at the Living Proof blog, too.
Looking forward to all the blessings God has in store for us this year!
I love fresh starts (more on that later). A new year is a beautiful time to finally get going on this. I don't make resolutions any more. I've learned that I can easily get caught up in the emotion of all the areas of my life I'd like to improve, only to have life get in the way of my progress. I end up feeling frustrated, inadequate, and any motivation I had at the beginning has quickly dissipated.
What's a girl to do? Start with the basics, and as Lisa TerKeurst reminds us in Unglued, accept imperfect progress. (A review of that book is coming as soon as I finish it.)
One thing I have wanted to do in the past, but honestly would somehow forget about, is the Siesta Scripture Memory Team over at the Living Proof blog. I've been reading (I know, shocking.) and have been encouraged to begin scripture memorization again.
My kids go to a private school and my daughter has scripture memory each week, usually building on the previous week's scripture. When we homeschooled, we memorized scripture together. Lately though, I haven't been giving it much thought, much less actually doing it. In one of Beth's posts about the SSMT, she mentioned a spiral-bound notecard set as a way to keep track of your verses and keep your verses handy. I ended up snagging a set of 3x5 cards on a ring at Staples for a whopping $1. It's even hot pink! (I'll post a picture as soon as I figure out how to transfer it from my phone to my laptop.)
I finally chose my first verse today. Or my 11-year old son did. He asked what I was working on and when I told him I was struggling to decide which verse to be my first one, he suggested the verse he uses as his instagram profile picture. That kid is such a blessing!
So, in honor of him, my first verse is Deuteronomy 31:6 (The Message)
"Be strong. Take courage. Don't be intimidated. Don't give them a second thought because God, your God, is striding ahead of you. He is right there with you. He won't let you down; He won't leave you."
What's one habit you can start today that will deepen your relationship with Christ? Scripture memory? Quiet time? Bible study? I'd love to hear what it is so we can encourage one another. If you choose scripture memory, don't forget to post a comment over at the Living Proof blog, too.
Looking forward to all the blessings God has in store for us this year!
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